
Kiel (dpa / lno) - In the fight for the CDU federal chairmanship, Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Günther has backed his North Rhine-Westphalian counterpart Armin Laschet again.

"I have a big preference for the course of the Armin Laschet / Jens Spahn team," said the CDU politician of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (weekend).

«Laschet is clearly located in the middle of the Union.

Jens Spahn is doing an incredibly good job as a crisis manager.

And he embodies the future of the Union, ”said Günther about the Federal Minister of Health.

As for the election of the future CDU chairman, Günther doubts that it will take place on January 16 as planned.

He could "not yet imagine" a face-to-face party conference on this date, and "a great deal still needs to be clarified" before a digital party conference.

In the dispute over the increase in the radio license fee, Günther criticized the possible blockade in the CDU-ruled Saxony-Anhalt.

The fact that the CDU parliamentary group there could imagine working together with the AfD would make "the whole thing worse," said Günther.

For the CDU and CSU, it is “overall important to get out of the curve on this issue”.

The statement by CDU federal chairman Friedrich Merz, according to which the opinion of the AfD on this issue is unimportant, goes “completely past reality.

It hides the fact that only together with the AfD would you have a majority in the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt ».


According to a government spokesman, Günther gave the interview in Kiel on Thursday, the day before Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff dismissed Interior Minister Holger Stahlknecht (both CDU).

Haseloff thus drew the conclusion on Friday from an unsettled interview with Stahlknecht on the coalition dispute over the broadcasting fee, as the State Chancellery in Magdeburg announced.

In the interview, Stahlknecht had announced a CDU minority government in the event that the coalition with the SPD and the Greens should break in the dispute over the increase in the radio license.