Four shots went into one leg and two into the other.

At least one is judged to have been directly life-threatening.

After the shots, the shooter, according to the indictment, aimed the automatic weapon at the 19-year-old's two friends and thus threatened them.

The incident took place at Furutorpsplatsen in Helsingborg on the evening of 16 August 2017, but it would take until November this year before a man in his 30s could be arrested as a suspect.

He has been pointed out by witnesses and his DNA has been found on a sleeve at the scene.

Previously convicted

The suspect is a leading figure in a criminal network in Helsingborg.

He is currently sitting at Kumlaanstalten, where he is serving a four-year prison sentence for public destruction after an explosion in Landskrona.

On Monday, he will be tried in court for attempted murder, causing danger to another, serious illegal threats and serious gun crime.

The trial will take place in the security room at Rättscentrum in Malmö.

The accused denies the crime.

During questioning, he has stated that he does not remember what he did that night because his memory was affected by a traffic accident he has been in since.