
Halle (dpa / sa) - The Dübener Heide on the border of Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt has been recognized as a "quality nature park".

This means that all nature parks located in Saxony-Anhalt would now bear the title, the state administrative office announced in Halle on Thursday.

On the one hand, the seal creates acceptance for nature conservation.

In addition, tourism and the people in the region would benefit from the award, it said.

According to the information, the seal is valid for five years.

In addition to the Dübener Heide, the Harz, Fläming, Lower Saale Valley and Saale-Unstrut-Trias nature parks can currently also be adorned with the title of the Association of German Nature Parks. According to the state administration office, the state of Saxony-Anhalt contributes around 1.35 million euros to the costs of maintaining the protected areas.