
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 3, 2020:

49th calendar week, 338th day of the year

28 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Name day: Emma, ​​Franz



2019 - Germany's students are in the middle of the field in the Pisa study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Achievements in reading, math, and science have deteriorated slightly.

2018 - The emirate of Qatar announces its departure from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in January 2019.

The Gulf Monarchy, primarily a large natural gas producer, has been in a dispute with its oil-rich neighbor Saudi Arabia since 2017.

2015 - At the request of the US judiciary, two high-ranking officials of the world football association FIFA are arrested in a Zurich hotel.

The men from Honduras and Paraguay are accused of corruption.


2010 - The Bundestag resolves a Hartz IV reform with a majority of the Union and FDP.

An education package for children in need is new.

These include a hot lunch, free transportation for tenth grade students and up, and tutoring and music lessons.

1990 - Attorney Mary Robinson is sworn in as President of the Republic of Ireland.

She is the first woman in this office.

1972 - 155 people, 144 of them Germans, die in the crash of a Spanish passenger plane on Tenerife.

1960 - The Thalia Theater in Hamburg, which was largely destroyed in the war, is reopened.

1950 - The first elections to the House of Representatives take place in West Berlin.

With 44.7 percent, the SPD misses the absolute majority.

The CDU and FDP are almost on par with 24.6 and 23 percent, respectively.

1740 - The first Pope's encyclical is published in Rome.

Benedict XIV's teaching letter “Ubi primum” deals with the administration of the bishops.



1965 - Katarina Witt (55), German figure skater, world champion and Olympic champion in 1988 for the GDR

1960 - Julianne Moore (60), American actress (Oscar for best leading actress for "Still Alice - My Life Without Yesterday")

1955 - Jörg Hofmann (65), German trade union official, chairman of IG Metall since 2015

1935 - Hubert Weinzierl (85), German conservationist, chairman of the Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND) 1983-98

1930 - Jean-Luc Godard (90), French film director (“Out of breath”, “The contempt”, “The gang of outsiders”), honorary Oscar for his life's work in 2010


2002 - Klaus Löwitsch, German actor (leading role in the crime series "Peter Strohm"), b.


1888 - Carl Zeiss, German entrepreneur, founder of the precision mechanical and optical company "Carl Zeiss Jena" 1846, b.


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