
By Michela Coricelli

01 December 2020 Definitely positive opening for Wall Street, with the Dow Jones immediately up by one percentage point and the Nasdaq by 0.83%.

The spotlight is always on economic measures against the crisis and on the vaccine race.

In Europe, Milan is the weakest, while remaining in positive territory at + 0.20%.

London is up 1.76%, Frankfurt gains 0.88% and Paris one point.

In Piazza Affari the Unicredit stock still suffers (-8.76%) after the announcement of the CEO Mustier, who will leave the leadership of the group in April 2021 and will not reapply.

The uncertainty about future summits and merger hypotheses does not please investors and penalizes the stock.

On the contrary, Mps (which according to rumors could get married with Unicredit) earns over three and a half points.