Aesthetic education enters the high school entrance examination, which lessons need to be made up urgently

  The "Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Aesthetic Education Work" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") issued by the Central Office and the State Council stated that by 2022, the school aesthetic education evaluation system will gradually be improved; explore the inclusion of art subjects in the pilot reform of the high school entrance examination.

One stone has stirred up a thousand waves of waves, sparking heated discussions among schools, teachers, and parents. Many parents worry that this measure will increase the burden on students. There is also a public opinion that it is good to attach importance to aesthetic education, but the current aesthetic education in schools is only There are also utilitarian and simplistic tendencies in art classes and music classes, such as replacing the process of cultivating people with aesthetics by indicators of knowledge and skills.

So, how should school aesthetic education respond to the arrival of the "exam baton", and which lessons should be added to achieve better education effects?

In this regard, the reporter interviewed parents, principals and experts.

Lesson 1 is literacy-oriented, handle the relationship between childbearing and education

  "Once aesthetic education joins the senior high school entrance examination, regardless of the score, in order to enter the ideal high school, children must invest a lot of energy in aesthetic education, which is a burden for parents and students." The reporter found that since the release of the document, various parents' online communities The discussion was very lively, and many parents began to "gray".

Many training institutions in the market have begun to "ride on the momentum", which has further amplified the anxiety of parents.

  In this regard, Wan Lijun, deputy director of the Department of Sports, Health and Art Education of the Ministry of Education, said in an interview with the media that it is not a requirement that all the art examinations for high school entrance examinations be rolled out in 2022, nor that specific scores.

And "whatever the school teaches, we will take the test." The content of the test is the content of the curriculum, which will not add too much burden to the students.

  Professor Li Zhengtao of East China Normal University expressed his understanding of the inclusion of aesthetic education in the senior high school entrance examination. He believes that only by passing the exam can the society pay attention to aesthetic education.

However, "the key lies in how to enter. The best way to explore the entrance examination for high school is to not only enhance the value status of aesthetic education and realize the education function of aesthetic education, but also be able to integrate with other disciplines and several other'educations'. It must be handled well. The relationship between examination and education, and the relationship between education and education must be educated in education and education."

  Luo Bin, the principal of the Teachers’ Training School in Haidian District, Beijing, stated: “The assessment of aesthetic education should be an assessment of artistic quality, not a high score for talented students, but a quality-oriented, requiring students to learn a certain art and learn basics. The understanding, aesthetics, and judgments of human beings. However, detailed evaluation standards must be formulated so that parents don’t have to rush to send their children to cram schools.” Luo Bin also pointed out that in previous education, everyone also emphasized aesthetic education, but lacked practical means.

"Re-emphasis on aesthetic education is not only a national requirement, but also an objective need for our society to develop to a certain level, improve living standards, and improve the quality of education after economic development. Aesthetic education courses have existed before, but it may not be a good idea, like after dinner Food catering. This policy promotes the status of ‘catering’ to a ‘regular meal’, allowing students to “eat well” so that students not only lack nutrition, but also “eat well”.”

  From the school's point of view, carrying out the school's aesthetic education can also prevent parents from flocking to training institutions outside the school.

He Caihong, principal of the Experimental Middle School in Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County, Chongqing, believes: “As long as the improvement of artistic ability is implemented from the initial stage of students’ learning, primary and secondary schools shall establish and improve the art curriculum system, improve the evaluation mechanism, and be student-oriented. Implementing the personal improvement plan can completely avoid the phenomenon of'utilitarian tutoring' and'spending money in the tutoring class'. While maintaining the main position of art classroom teaching, we must also actively open up second classrooms and integrate campus activities The combination of art assessment will build the school's artistic atmosphere in an all-round way, and more importantly, integrate aesthetic education into campus culture."

Lesson 2 enhances teachers’ aesthetic ability. Only when the classroom is beautiful can students be beautiful

  In Chongqing Pengshui Miao and Tujia Autonomous County Experimental Middle School, in addition to courses in art, music, and calligraphy, there are more than 30 clubs for students to choose from, allowing students to experience beauty and appreciation in the organic combination of art classes and art practice activities. Beauty, create beauty.

  However, the principal He Caihong said frankly that the school still faces the challenge of insufficient teachers to take on the important task of future aesthetic education.

“There are 1,278 students in the school, with only 2 full-time music teachers, 2 full-time art teachers, and 2 part-time calligraphy teachers. The reserve of such teachers is far from enough, and we can only select teachers who are art tutors among other full-time teachers. "

  In this regard, Li Zhengtao believes that not only the number of teachers must be paid attention to, but also the quality of teachers. “Follow-up teacher training, teacher training, and teacher development must infiltrate the connotation of aesthetic education and enhance teachers’ aesthetic ability. This is also a new era of teachers. The new basic skills and literacy. Only educators can be beautiful before the classroom can be beautiful, and students can be beautiful."

  In response to the possible shortage of teachers, Zhang Ye, deputy dean of the School of Architecture and Art of Beijing Jiaotong University, believes that there are three solutions: "The first is to increase the number of classes appropriately, but this may cause insufficient teacher-student interaction, so I think it can Learning from the experience during the epidemic period, a combination of MOOC and offline teaching is adopted. The theoretical course part is taught through MOOC, which is equivalent to freeing up part of the class capacity for offline practical teaching. Second, virtual simulation teaching can be further promoted , According to the scenes required by the course, build a corresponding experimental platform, and students will study in combination with the content of the MOOC. If there are questions that they don’t understand, they will conduct offline tutoring, so that the pressure on teachers will be much less. Third, I think credits The way to obtain can be more diverse, using non-course methods, such as punching in to break a course into several activities, and the total number of activities can be met before graduation."

  Many people believe that to strengthen the construction of aesthetic education, it is more difficult to strengthen the construction of aesthetic education in rural areas and remote western regions. Luo Bin believes that rural teachers and teachers in ethnic minority regions have advantages. "There are more aesthetic education elements in ethnic minority regions, including ethnic songs and dances. These resources can also'feed back' other regions. We have trained more than 70 commissioners from Yunnan, and teachers of all ethnic groups are good at singing and dancing."

  The Experimental Primary School in Dongxiang Autonomous County of Gansu Province integrates teaching materials based on local conditions. For example, the music class focuses on the “Huaer” familiar to students from the Dongxiang ethnic group, creating and arranging music, and the art class leads the students to make handmade works in line with local ethnic characteristics. .

Principal Tang Zhili believes that the rich natural environment in rural areas can lead students to appreciate the natural scenery and cultivate aesthetic abilities.

At the same time, students can visit folk museums, libraries, art galleries, etc., so that children can have aesthetic experience and discussion.

"I have exercised my body, but I can also feel the nature, get close to nature, and experience the beauty of nature. These can be achieved through the existing team of aesthetic education teachers."

Lesson 3 establishes the concept of "big aesthetic education" and finds the entry point of aesthetic education in interdisciplinary integration

  "Can future engineers and city builders understand aesthetics better?"

How to make aesthetic education courses acceptable to engineering students is a problem that Beijing Jiaotong University has been exploring.

To this end, they set up a product design class for students in the School of Mechanical Engineering to discuss how products are "beautiful"; the "Art and Science" class guides engineering students to discover the similarities between art and science, such as scale, proportion, and golden section. , The relationship between streamline and aerodynamics allows students to experience the joy of "reaching the same goal by different routes".

  Zhang Ye found that, from the perspective of reality, the curriculum system from elementary school, middle school to high school is relatively lacking in the construction of aesthetic perception.

"The "Opinions" builds an aesthetic education system from pre-school education to university. I think it is very valuable because the level of aesthetic education is systematic. In the middle school stage, the level of'knowledge' is solved to lay a solid foundation; in the university stage, the understanding of beauty is really improved." Zhang Ye said

  Luo Bin believes that the school should establish a "big aesthetic education" concept in the curriculum system, and open all the required courses prescribed by the state. At the same time, the number of elective courses can be increased to provide students with more choices.

"For students with special expertise, they can also be guided to study in an art troupe. In addition, there should also be an interdisciplinary integration of aesthetic education. For example, in the Chinese language department, students can be organized to create textbooks and plays that involve fragments of novels and scripts; English subjects English drama can be written; aesthetic education can also be integrated with labor education, such as hand-making a handicraft to guide students to consider color, proportion, and size; aesthetic education can also be integrated with sports, for example, Latin dance is sports dance; or combined with intangible cultural heritage, Clay figurines, sugar figurines, kites, cloisonne, etc. all have unique aesthetics and charm. Schools should coordinate teaching resources for various subjects, and management cadres and teachers should open their minds and find the entry point of aesthetic education together." Luo Bin said.

  Zhang Ye agrees with this, “First of all, teachers in the class should have this kind of change, and they should change their understanding of aesthetic education from “hand” to “brain”. In the past, dance lessons may be to teach students to dance a few dances, and violin lessons may be When students reach a certain level, I think this is based on the idea of ​​“hand” as the core. Art is actually interlinked. It requires a “big aesthetic education” view to guide students to have a general understanding of the various art forms of human beings. Through case-based, research-based, and immersive teaching, students can improve their overall judgment, learn to distinguish and appreciate, consciously shield ugly things, and recognize beautiful things. Finally, students will become people who love life and are good at discovering the beauty of life. "

  (Our reporter Yang Sa Zhou Shixiang)