
November 30, 2020A monitoring of risks and criticalities for doctors at the forefront of covid-19 treatment, a protocol on the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the use of the Italian post office channel for their distribution to doctors to get them directly to your home.

These are three of the proposals that emerged during last night's informal conversation between the National Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo) and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza.  


should be implemented through the orders of local doctors, to understand where risks and critical issues for doctors on the front line lurk.

The protocol should address

the correct use of dpi

: which to use in different contexts, how to use them, dressing and undressing techniques.


the export,

throughout the national territory, of the distribution model - already implemented in some regions - of the PPE to affiliated doctors, which uses the Italian Post Office channel to get them directly to the home.

The proposals were presented to the executive minister Fnomceo and the president Filippo Anelli.

Objective: to increase the safety of doctors, also put to the test in this second wave of the pandemic.

222 doctors have died since March, 43 since October 1st.

More than half were general practitioners.

"Yet now, unlike last spring, there are IPDs - comments Anelli - and there is a law that provides for them to be provided to doctors, including those with a conventional relationship or in any case involved in the Covid-19 emergency and to health professionals and For this reason it is important to monitor the territory, to understand if and how the Dpi are distributed. The orders, as "arms" of the ministry, have made themselves available to implement such monitoring and to report any critical issues ".

In the event of hitches in distribution, he proposes, "an agreement between the civil protection and the post office could be extended at national level to get IPDs to arrive directly at home or in the doctor's office".

Another condition of possible risk is the use of PPE by health professionals: for this reason, Fnomceo is already working on a protocol on the subject, to be shared with the ministry and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, which could also become a Ecm course.

The president of the Odontoiatri Register Commission, Raffaele Iandolo, thanking the minister for the facilitations on the purchase of Dpi, that is to say the tax credit and the exemption from VAT, also recalled how, however, these measures expire on 31 December, asking for an extension until the end of the emergency, and made himself available for the administration, for example, of anti-covid vaccines in studies.