
Berlin (dpa) - The current calendar sheet for December 1, 2020:

49th calendar week, 336th day of the year

30 days until the end of the year


Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Name day: Blanka, Edmund, Eligius, Natalie



2019 - The new EU Commission begins its work with Ursula von der Leyen as President.

Twelve of the 27 members are women.

2018 - The protests of the French “yellow vests” against the policies of President Emmanuel Macron turn into massive riots.

The triumphal arch is badly damaged in Paris.

The riot began in mid-November with demonstrations against higher mineral oil taxes.

2015 - Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife announced in a letter that they would donate 99 percent of their Facebook shares, currently valued at around 45 billion dollars, to solving urgent problems in the world.


2005 - Citizens and companies in the European Union will in future be able to use the new domain abbreviation “.eu” on the Internet, announced the EU Commission in Brussels.

1990 - During the construction of the Channel Tunnel, the last rock separating the tunnel between Great Britain and France is drilled through.

The Eurotunnel between Calais (France) and Folkstone (Great Britain) is 51.4 kilometers long.

1970 - Despite violent protests from the Vatican, the Italian parliament passes the divorce law.

1955 - African American Rosa Parks is arrested in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to vacate her seat for a white man on a public bus.

Their protest against the separation of black and white becomes a catalyst for the American civil rights movement.

1925 - European states sign the Locarno Treaties in London.

They were seen as a decisive step towards securing peace in Europe and ended Germany's isolation from foreign policy after the First World War.

After it came into force, Germany was accepted into the League of Nations.

1640 - Friedrich Wilhelm becomes Elector of Brandenburg.

The rise of Brandenburg-Prussia to a major German power began under the rule of the "Great Elector".



1945 - Bette Midler (75), American actress (“The Incredible Abduction of Mad Mrs. Stone”), singer (“From A Distance”) and entertainer

1935 - Heinz Riesenhuber (85), German chemist and politician, Federal Minister for Research and Technology 1982-1993

1935 - Woody Allen (85), American director and actor ("Der Stadtneurotiker")

1925 - Peter Thomas, German film composer (music for 18 Edgar Wallace films, “Raumpatrouille”), died 2020

1895 - Heinrich Krone, German politician, Federal Minister for Special Tasks 1961-1966;

Chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group 1955-1961, died 1989


2018 - Stefanie Tücking, German journalist and presenter (ARD music program “Formula One”), born.


1960 - Ernst Rowohlt, German book publisher, founded Rowohlt Verlag in Leipzig in 1908, b.


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