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  • Covid-19. Madrid's night turns off the light: 25 cocktail bars have closed for the day in November

El Burladero

, a benchmark in Madrid nightlife for the world of bullfighting and flamenco, located in the heart of Madrid, has



No return.


and his partner Manolo

, who had been fighting for the business for 25 years, have made the decision to permanently lower the blind this November, victims of the serious goring that




to the nightlife sector.

"This month the contract ran out and the owners told us that they were not renewing us for reasons


I think it's an apology, because

we were not paying them


We had never had problems, but with this ... ", he says


to EL MUNDO.After the March coup, El Burladero

tried to resume the activity with the de-escalation

and opened a few days in summer.

Until the closing of the central government in mid-August.

With the uncertainty that hovers, and with the only possibility of reopening now converted into a restaurant, they have preferred not to try again. "We do not know what will happen. And the vaccine is not going to be miraculous.

The place was not going to have a future


It is not worth continuing, "he adds.


, who admits that he had a hard time convincing his partner that it was for the best.

"He was determined to endure," he says. After a busy night, today, from El Burladero

not even the characteristic tiles remain

who presided over the entrance, according to Telemadrid.

The mosaic images of Las Ventas and La Maestranza

have been sold to a former customer

, "a lover of the bar", who wants to try his luck with a similar joint in Mexico. And its owner

has taken the reins of the taxi that he bought as an investment

in February.

"It was not what I wanted, but ...", he says just before suggesting animatedly: "The same I mount a terrace".

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