"The camera is the weapon of the unarmed," reads one of the signs glimpsed in the protests in Paris. 

The crowd has grown to thousands on Saturday and the protesters cover the entire main square Place de la République in the French capital. 

The proposed security law that is being demonstrated against is feared to criminalize the dissemination of images of police officers on duty. 

A demonstrator in Paris holds a sign that reads: "The camera is the weapon of the unarmed".

Photo: AFP / TT

"Undermining press freedom"

The bill was approved in the National Assembly last week and some of it concerns images that are shared and can damage police officers' "physical or mental integrity". 

The French Senate has not yet hammered through the proposal, but it is precisely the part about the dissemination of images that the demonstrators want to withdraw. 

- This bill aims to undermine the freedom of the press, the freedom to inform and be informed, and the freedom to express themselves, says one of the organizers of the demonstration to the news agency AFP. 

You are beaten by the police

This comes at a time when the debate on police violence is once again relevant in the country.

Earlier this week, a video was spread on social media showing how a black man was beaten by police.

The man is pushed into a corner, kneels and is beaten.

At the same time, the police are pouring racist swear words. 

The images led to angry reactions and have fueled Saturday's protests, which have been largely peaceful.

However, it has degenerated in some places and in Paris fireworks were fired and stones were thrown at the police, who responded by using tear gas.

Here you can see the entire SVT broadcast