The municipal company, in which the police officer worked, makes multi-million deals with a number of contractors in the construction industry.

Companies that at the same time appeared on advertising decals on training and competition equipment that relatives of the municipal manager used for several years.

Do you know that this is sponsorship?

- This is part of the investigation that KPMG has done and there it indicates that it is about sponsorship, says chairman of the board Johan Nikula who was elected to the post last year.

Several companies exist

The auditing firm KPMG has, on behalf of the Board, examined suspicions of serious errors and deficiencies in the company.

An investigation that is largely confidential and handed over to the police in connection with the chief being reported to the police in November this year.

Our review shows that at least a dozen of the companies with which the municipal company had business relations, occurred on relatives' personal competition equipment.

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Anders Johansson, CEO of Stadsbacken Photo: Sundsvall Municipality / SVT

Police investigation is ongoing

He does not want to answer to what extent the suspicions apply.

The police investigation is ongoing, but no one has yet been notified of suspicion of crime.

The police currently do not want to comment on the ongoing investigation.

The company's board reported the head of infidelity to the principal and bribery to the police.

The preliminary investigation began with the heading taking bribes.

- The company itself has acted now that we have discovered some.

But for the municipality of Sundsvall, this will probably damage confidence.

Decals visible for several years

Pictures we have seen show decals where it is quite clear that the companies support the individual sports investment.

Something that can be traced back to at least 2015/2016.

The manager refers the questions further

We have been looking for the former boss to ask about the advertising decals.

He replies in an SMS that he "unfortunately can not be helpful with questions about it".

He refers them to the relative.