
November 27, 2020 "Thanks to the MEPs for the support they have given me on these recent events. I am not the first to have suffered such an attack and I will not be the last sadly. It is important that the Russians know that Europe in full and the European Parliament will not remain silent in the face of these events ".

Thus the Russian opponent Alexiei Navalny in videoconference with the European Parliament. 

"The time has come to put up a new strategy to see how to communicate with Russia now. There should be a very clear dividing line, on the one hand the Russian population to be treated warmly and on the other the Russian state which instead must be treated as a group of criminals who are holding power in their hands. "

Navalny then specified that on sanctions "up to now the approach of the EU and the EP is to impose sanctions on those who do technically bad things, but these are people who do not go to the rest of the world and therefore do not touch them. with sanctions ".

According to the Russian opponent "we must ask ourselves why these people poison, kill and falsify elections. They do it for the money and therefore the Union should aim for money" and "the target of sanctions must be the old and new oligarchs, such as the circle around Putin ".

In this way "Russia will treat sanctions seriously".

The Russian state must be treated - by the EU - as a group of criminals who temporarily have power in their hands.

It may seem radical to you, but I think this is a fair description of what is happening. "Russian opponent Alexei Navalny said." The only way for development in Russia is a way that leads us to the European Union. " Navalny pointed out.