
Lüdenscheid (dpa) - Spiritual action by an excavator driver in Lüdenscheid: When his vehicle almost tipped down the slope on a narrow forest road, he extended the grab - and clutched a tree.

As the police announced on Thursday, the excavator had turned a little too far to the right the day before due to oncoming traffic.

As a result, the edge of the forest road sagged, according to the police - "and almost caused the excavator to tip over."

With the grab on the beech tree, the excavator stopped for an hour until a specialist company was able to put the 22-ton part back on the road with a crane.

Incidentally, the police moved in to enable a rescue "without discussion."

Because of the traffic obstacle, several motorists had "indignantly announced their displeasure about the traffic obstacle" to the excavator driver.


Notice from the police