Boulevard de la Praire de Mauves in Nantes -

J. Urbach / 20 Minutes

The work will take place next summer, for commissioning at the end of 2021. Within a year, a new track will be built along Boulevard de la Prairie de Mauves in Nantes.

Objective: to promote carpooling, since it will be reserved "for vehicles carrying two people or more (including the driver), in addition to emergency vehicles and public transport", indicates the metropolis.

It will be accessible "in the outgoing direction from Nantes to the ring road".

About 8 minutes saved

Depending on the metropolis, carpoolers could thus be rewarded by avoiding traffic jams on this often congested axis, and frequented by around 25,000 vehicles per day.

"The studies carried out show that the proposed development will allow a time saving of about 8 minutes for an evening rush hour journey between



and Porte d'Anjou, for a time currently measured at 14 minutes on the same route during rush hour.


An evaluation of what is presented as an experiment (budget: 500,000 euros) is planned, in order to perpetuate this path but also to chart others.

The road to Pornic, the boulevard de la Vendée and the road to Rennes could be affected.


Nantes: Dynamic luminous road markings to avoid collisions on the road


Nantes: After the death of a biker, "the dangerousness" of the Prairie de Mauves denounced

  • Circulation

  • Nantes

  • Public transport

  • Carpooling