The first episode of Assignment Review was broadcast in January 2001. Three years later, Nils Hanson took over as responsible publisher of the program, a job he retained until March 2018. When asked to share his strongest memories of his time, it is about a memorable lunch with IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad, about a helicopter deal - and about the demands for his own departure.

In 2004, Assignment review itself was reviewed by SVT's then program Mediemagasinet.

Nils Hanson says that the criticism that followed led to a boost in the editorial staff's work with quality assurance and fact checking.

Something that was of great importance for the development of the program, according to him.

Play the clip to hear Nils Hanson, who today works as an editor at the editorial office, list his three strongest memories.

Direct report · What review do you remember?


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40 min09.54

Feel free to share the reviews that, for better or worse, have made an extra strong impression on you.

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SVT · Ella Hopf Berger

17 min10.17

The two episodes about the submarine violations that were broadcast in 2007 and 2008. That they are not in the Open Archive is a great shame.


17 min10.17

Liked the program about how poorly Solna municipality had control over its contractors, or if it was now corruption.

What you remember best is when Janne J stands outside a public institution with a booked interview and a secretary runs back and forth between the office and the locked door where Janne J is waiting.



23 min10.11


Still think it was distasteful with the hidden camera during mindfulness conversations.

To fabricate people who in the role themselves say they have problems and feel uneasy about their sexual orientation and then hack satan on the priests who based on this try to help through conversations ?!

It was not even randomly elected priests so that it could in any way be said to represent the Church of Sweden, but they were selected based on known opinion.

You could have contented yourself with an interview program, such as "UG questions dissenting priests" or something like that.


23 min10.11

I liked the program you did about the woman who was pushed into the ATM queue and how easy it was to withdraw money from the bank.

Especially when you got the bank manager to admit to the camera that he thought it should be easy to withdraw his money.

Or was it maybe Janne Josefsson news I am thinking of?

Godzilla Hårddiskson

24 min10.11

The 'investigation' in the da Costa case, in which the autopsy was accused of murdering his first wife.

Hope no one else needs to be charged with murder for hours in prime time after responsible authorities have repeatedly ruled that grounds are lacking.


24 min10.10

I strongly remember "The hunt for the lost tax" where members of the tax committee did not know what transfer pricing was.

That international companies operating in Sweden taxed zero in our country year after year.


24 min10.10

One of the episodes I remember most recently is what you did about Saab Automobile's bankruptcy and the scandals surrounding it.

About the Government's betrayal of the company by the denial of both external financiers and its own financing, and about power-hungry lawyers who tried to act on their own outside their powers behind the back of the main owner.

Even if the program did not change the fate of one of Swedish industry's greats and of its thousands of employees, a large part of the truth still came to a conclusion as to what caused Sweden's largest bankruptcy to date, and what kind of people it was.


24 min10.10

Remember the Småland polling booths and "Not in my backyard".

The classic interview with a politician with his pants down and, despite film evidence, claims "Those are not me"


39 min09.56

I worked in the Government Offices (RK) at the time of many redundancies at the Administrative Department there.

You did a good report that clearly showed that RK got rid of the slightly odd and "difficult" people.

The management was incredibly inventive in inventing "circuits" that sometimes consisted of only one person.

It was sad and outrageous, my co-workers were "reassigned" and felt bad.

But, what I noticed when I talked to others about this: The report did not get much attention.

No one feels sorry for those who work in RK.

As if there are no ordinary kneg jobs there.

You should still be thankful for that report.

I think it strengthened some of those affected.


A longer anniversary program from Assignment review 20 years in the box is broadcast tonight at 20.00 on SVT1 and on SVT Play.