• Venice 77. Gianfranco Rosi: "In the Night I tell a wounded humanity"


24 November 2020


by Gianfranco Rosi is the film that will represent Italy at the Oscars.

This was decided today by the Selection Commission, set up by Anica last July on behalf of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, meeting before a notary and composed of Nicola Borrelli, Simone Gattoni, Paolo Genovese, Carlo Poggioli, Cristina Priarone , Gloria Satta, Baba Richerme.

Notturno was chosen as the film that will represent Italy at the 93rd edition of the Academy Awards in the selection for the 'International Feature Film Award' category.

'Notturno' will compete for the shortlist which will include the ten international films selected by the Academy and which will be announced on 9 February 2021. The announcement of the nominations (the five films nominated to compete for the award) is scheduled for 15 March 2021. while the award ceremony for the Oscars will be held in Los Angeles on April 25, 2021.

"I'm very happy, I knew it a moment ago - says Rosi to Adnkronos - and the first thing I want to say is that I dedicate it to Valentina - here the director's voice darkens - to Valentina Pedicini, with a long hug ".

So Rosi turns his candidacy into homage to his fellow director and screenwriter who has just passed away, aged just 42.

A tribute in the name of the documentary, a passion of both and a genre to which Notturno belongs.

"Of course, there was hope, and in the USA the film's journey through festivals with endorsements from many US film magazines has already begun two months ago. The hope was there and its realization is wonderful. The promotion of the title it will be demanding and long, we have already gone through it with


", continues Rosi who then underlines the weight of the docs in this Oscar round: 

" Five other countries have nominated documentaries for the Oscar for best foreign film. By now the taboo on documentaries it has fallen. It is essential that it be fully recognized as cinema ".       

With 'Notturno', made in the bleeding heart of the Middle East, on the borders between Syria, Iraq, Kurdistan and Lebanon, over the course of three years, Rosi feels he is "representing Italy at the Oscars that still has the clarity to look at that what happens around us, outside our borders: nobody talks about the Middle East anymore and when we get out of this darkness the Middle East will have changed, for the worse "