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A self-made man.


of humble origin.

Under these two premises some of the most brilliant ideas that decisively influence society usually emerge.


Ramón Rubio Silvestre was

born by chance in 1924 in Tarragona because his father was stationed there as a military man, he could not imagine the

educational revolution

that he would lead.

He was the creator of the famous

Rubio Notebooks.

When he was two years old, his family moved to Geldo (Castellón), a small

town where Ramón began to train academically while the calamities of the War and the postwar period made a dent in his concerns.


immense poverty, lack of food and repression

were conditioning factors for the little one to

miss up to three courses

at school.

Everything was easier when

fell in love with the doctor's daughter

from the town, Marina Polo.

They had three children,

Marina, Enrique and Ramón. In Valencia it was removed in three years instead of five.

the career of mercantile professor

(currently equivalent to Economics) and started working at the

Bank of Aragon

From Valencia.

But the monotony gnawed at him inside, he felt the need to

do something useful for others

and he began to think that his family could also live in a more comfortable way.

On your own

set up an academy to give calculus classes

and accounting in the evenings. That's where the brilliant idea that would make him a millionaire came up.

Tired of always writing the same math exercises on the blackboard, in 1956

began to hand copy a series of cards

that he printed at home and then distributed among the students.

Everything was so rudimentary that

the drawings were made by Cipriano, a postman

that he was the brother of the lady who cared for the Rubio couple's children. The success was overwhelming.

Shortly after he realized that

the handwriting of the students was terrible

and he also decided to make the first notebooks to learn to write correctly.

In 1959 the first notebook was published

problems and, three years later, the calligraphy one, together with his wife

tried to sell the notebooks

traveling by car all the schools in Valencia and its surroundings, but except for some centers run by priests and nuns, the rest

closed doors in his face.

Suddenly, one of his assistants suggested

to sell them in the stationeries

and the orders began to pile up little by little.

That assistant ran away after defrauding Ramón 200,000 pesetas, but he soon discovered that on the back cover of the notebooks there was the address of the family printing company and all the stationery stores in the country

they started making requests.

Not too many people had

access to education,

That is why Ramón made an effort so that a large percentage of the people stopped being illiterate.

The high birth rate in the 70s catapulted the family business to the top as they were sold

more than ten million notebooks

per course.

For many students

the arrival of summer

It was a real nightmare because the parents bought the Rubios to

strengthen your knowledge

in arithmetic and calligraphy. In 2001,

Ramón died of a heart attack

cerebral and his son Enrique decided to take over the company, adapt to the new technological times and

open the range of business

with new products.

In actuality there are

exercises for adults

with some mental or psychomotor illness, there are creative calligraphy, reading comprehension or mathematical competence notebooks, coloring notebooks, stationery products (backpacks, pens, pencil cases),


, adaptation to internet formats, etc.

Your ecommerce department has experienced

a 600% rise

because students have spent more time at home due to Covid-19.

From a turnover of 58,800 euros in 2019, this year the figure has reached

the 423,000 euros.

The publisher just edited

three notebooks that recall the fond decades

ranging from 60 to 80 in which they shuffle the


with different creative activities.

Of course, without neglecting the great work they do through the

Rubio Notebooks Foundation

by donating educational materials to countries with limited economic resources.

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