The NGO Transports et Environnement unveils a shock study on the CO2 emissions of hybrid vehicles.

After experiments carried out by a cabinet of British experts on three SUVs, the NGO concluded that these cars pollute much more than what their manufacturers suggest.

Are we moving towards the equivalent of a Dieselgate with hybrid cars?

The NGO Transport and Environment tested the carbon dioxide emissions of SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) cars known as plug-in hybrids, that is to say half gasoline and half electric.

The results are worrying.

These tests, carried out under real conditions of use, show that they pollute up to twelve times more than what the manufacturers display. 

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Up to twelve times more CO2 emissions 

A firm of British experts tested three of the most popular models: BMW X5, Volvo XC 60 and Mitsubishi Outlander.

Two configurations were adopted to be able to perform these tests.

A first test was carried out under ideal conditions, with a charged battery, a flat road, an empty boot and very good weather conditions.

But these cars emitted between 28% and 89% more CO2 than announced by the manufacturers.

The second configuration is more realistic.

Here, the trunk is loaded, there are acceleration and gradients, and the electric battery is empty.

The conclusions are edifying because the CO2 emitted can climb up to eight times more than on paper.

With a record: it is twelve times more when the heat engine starts to recharge the electric battery on the way.

To compare, this comes close to the CO2 emission levels of a Porsche Cayenne. 

"It's the worse of both worlds"

The plug-in hybrid is therefore a "climate bomb", for Diane Strauss, France director of the NGO Transport and Environment, who reveals these tests.

"It's a chimera. It's a vehicle made up of both an electric vehicle and a thermal vehicle, which tries to fulfill all uses. But in reality, it does not fulfill any since the battery is so weak that it is not really an electric vehicle, it is a fake electric vehicle. And the car is so heavy that it is no longer even a high-performance thermal car. It is the worst of both worlds ", details she does. 

This benchmark NGO in Europe calls on the French state to stop subsidizing plug-in hybrids, up to 40 million euros per year, and to focus on electric vehicles.