Two months before taking office, and while Donald Trump still refuses to acknowledge his defeat, President-elect Joe Biden presented his future government on Monday.

This team is made up of experienced and recognized personalities.

Joe Biden unveiled the first big names in his future government on Monday, with Antony Blinken at the head of his diplomacy, opting for experienced and recognized personalities rather than for the surprise effect, while Donald Trump continued to dispute the result of the US presidential election.

Hispanic homeland security first

The former secretary of state of Barack Obama, John Kerry, 76, will be the special envoy of the US president on the climate, a sign of the importance that Joe Biden attaches to this issue.

The Democrat will also appoint for the first time a Hispanic, Alejandro Mayorkas, to Homeland Security.

Posing as a token of stability, the Democratic President-elect campaigned by promising to end the "chaos" of the Trump era.

And his first choices, selected from the circle of his advisers and trusted collaborators, reflect his desire to mark the contrast with the outgoing Republican president.

Although Donald Trump still refuses to recognize his defeat and work for the transfer of power, an unprecedented break with American political tradition, Joe Biden, 78, revealed on Monday the next leaders of his foreign policy.

"I need a team ready on day one," the Democrat wrote in a statement.

"These individuals are as experienced and crisis-tested as they are innovative and imaginative," he continued.

Antony Blinken future Secretary of State

At the key post of Secretary of State: Antony Blinken, 58, former number two of the State Department under President Barack Obama and one of Joe Biden's main diplomatic advisers.

A staunch supporter of multilateralism, "Tony" Blinken should tackle the Iranian nuclear issue as a priority and the return of the United States to the Paris climate agreement.

If confirmed by the Senate, he will succeed Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump's chief diplomat.

Joe Biden has also named another close associate, Jake Sullivan, 43, as his national security adviser.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a 68-year-old African-American diplomat, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, will become Ambassador to the UN.

Alejandro Mayorkas, born 60 years ago in Havana, will be the first Hispanic to head the Ministry of Homeland Security, which notably oversees immigration matters.

This son of anticastrist refugees, former federal prosecutor, knows this administration well, of which he was deputy minister from 2013 to 2016.

Joe Biden and his Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will make a speech to formally announce the appointments on Tuesday in Wilmington, the home of the president-elect, in Delaware