
Harrislee / Kiel (dpa / lno) - The state fire brigade school in Harrislee near Flensburg started a "training company light" on Monday.

The state fire brigade association announced on Monday that four group leader courses and one "Operational and tactical leadership" course are to be held under strict Corona rules for the volunteer fire brigades and disaster control.

The current offer was made in close coordination between the Ministry of the Interior and the State Fire Brigade Association.

The facility, which is mainly responsible for the management training of the fire brigades, had completely stopped the course with the beginning of the second partial lockdown.

In addition, in the week before Christmas, a course on "Leading a fire brigade" is planned for prospective military leaders - for the first time as a purely online course on a trial basis. "This form of training is an attempt from which we want to contribute our experience for certain courses in 2021," said the director of the state fire brigade school, Jan-Rasmus Hansen. However, according to the information, online courses cannot cover all training content: Many manual activities in the fire service could only be effectively practiced on the device.