
Kiel (dpa / lno) - Deutsche Umwelthilfe has declared the installation of air filters on a cycle path on Kiel's Theodor-Heuss-Ring to be illegal.

In a letter to the Federal Administrative Court, the lawyer for environmental aid criticized the fact that the six systems on the cycle path were parked and thus completely blocked.

He speaks of a «shield prank».

The letter has been submitted to the German Press Agency.

The "Kieler Nachrichten" had previously reported on it.

The air filters are part of the air pollution control plan, which the Federal Administrative Court must deal with in the last instance.

City and state have appealed against a judgment of the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Administrative Court (OVG).

At the end of June, the OVG declared the environmental ministry's clean air plan to be inadequate.

The judges considered a driving ban for old diesel cars to be more effective and upheld a complaint by the German Environmental Aid.

The environmental aid is pushing for a driving ban for older diesel cars on the traffic axis.

She has requested that the appeals against the decision of the judges in Schleswig be rejected.


The limit value for nitrogen dioxide of 40 micrograms per cubic meter of air in the annual average has been exceeded for some time on a 190 meter long section of the Theodor-Heuss-Ring.

Information from the city of Kiel on the clean air plan