
Schönefeld (dpa) - A terminal at the new BER airport in the capital is to be closed a few months after the opening.

The reason is that because of the Corona crisis, far fewer passengers use the airport than expected, as a company spokesman said on Monday.

The management is therefore planning to take Terminal 5 offline for one year from March.

The “Berliner Morgenpost” and “BZ” reported on this on Monday.

Terminal 5 is the handling building of the former GDR central airport Schönefeld, built in the 1970s.

It was supposed to supplement BER for several years.

Because until the Corona crisis it looked as if the new building was not enough for the growing number of passengers in Berlin.

At the moment, according to the operator, there are only a good fifth of the usual number of flights and a tenth of the passengers.

Airport boss Engelbert Lütke Daldrup wants to present his plan for Terminal 5 to the company's supervisory board on Friday.

Then there should be talks with the airlines.

The largest customer in Terminal 5 is Ryanair.


The new Willy Brandt Airport has a total of three terminals, in addition to the main Terminal 1, which opened at the end of October, and the newly constructed Terminal 2. The last plan was to put it into operation for the summer flight schedule at the end of March.

Whether the passengers of Ryanair and the other companies from Terminal 5 should check in there or in Terminal 1 is still open.

Airport press releases

Report "Berliner Morgenpost"

"BZ" report