
Since the tightening of border controls a year ago, the federal police have identified 1,120 deportees with a re-entry ban.

"500 of these people were turned back at the border and 150 were repatriated or deported," said the federal police at WELT AM SONNTAG.

In addition, around 50 left voluntarily.

About 100 more people were arrested.

"Litmus test for the defensibility of the constitutional state"

Interior Minister Seehofer reacted to the illegal re-entry of a recently deported clan member with border controls at the EU's internal borders.

You can find out here the successes of the intensified search measures.

Source: WORLD


After the leader of the Lebanese Miri clan had returned after his deportation in autumn 2019, Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) had the veil search


i.e. controls without specific suspicion


intensified in the border area

from November 7th


Before this tightening, around 100 deportees with re-entry bans were usually found each month.

In the less than two months until the end of 2019, according to the Federal Police, this was done much more often, namely 302 times.

This year, a further 818 such people were apprehended by the end of October.

The downward trend at first glance can be explained by the sharp reduction in international mobility since the Corona crisis.


Most of the arrests of people with re-entry bans take place at the borders themselves; since the tightening a year ago, these foreigners can usually be rejected.

If they are only picked up after entering the country, according to the Federal Police 301 of these people, this is not legally possible.

In such cases a new deportation must be attempted.

This is often difficult because those who have returned usually submit new asylum applications.

And they are only allowed to be detained if they represent a “considerable danger” or have committed serious crimes.


Political demands for the detention of all repatriates who have returned until they are returned have not yet been implemented.

Afghans who were wrongly deported are to be brought back

A 20-year-old Afghan was wrongly deported.

Now he is to be brought back to Germany.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is criticized for the numerous mishaps in the deportation policy.

Source: WELT / Erdmann Hummel

This text is from WELT AM SONNTAG.

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