Hear in the clip above why the Västra Götaland region has chosen to invest in salmon farming in Sotenäs.

Less than a month ago, the municipality of Sotenäs was also granted 8.7 million in support from the European Maritime and Fisheries Program, EMFF, for the project.

According to Kristina Jonäng (C), chair of the regional development committee, the 4.7 million that the Västra Götaland region is now appointing can also be seen as a signal from the region that they are behind the project.

- Sotenäs has asked us for help and then we would like to help.

It may be that we will add even more money in the future, she says.

"Taking a risk"

Despite the fact that the investment has been met with criticism regarding the environmental impact and the size of salmon farming, and that there are still questions about how the project should be implemented in practice, Kristina Jonäng (C) believes that it is well-invested money from the region.

- All major investments are a risk-taking and there is always a risk that you throw money into the lake.

Society must be involved and take a chance when there is an opportunity to create new jobs and new development opportunities and new companies, she says.