During the morning, several alarms came about fallen trees across roads to both the police and the rescue service.

Among others outside Surahammar, Skinnskatteberg, Ransta and Västerås.

- Yes, there have been a number and they have come at regular intervals, said police spokesman Magnus Jansson Klarin at 07 o'clock on Thursday morning.

There were also some disturbances in public transport, due to signal and electrical faults.

Among other things on the Stockholm C-Sala section.

Elsewhere in the country, the weather is also causing problems with power supply.

Here in Västmanland, Kungsör and Arboga's countryside will have a power outage during early Thursday morning, according to Mälarenergi's website.

However, it is not clear if it has anything to do with the storm.

During the day, the wind calmed down and SMHI later removed the Class 1 warning.