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November 18, 2020After December 4, "shops and restaurants will probably be able to return to a semi-normal if they respect those rules. It will be almost normal, not free all". 

This was stated by the coordinator of the Technical Scientific Committee Agostino Miozzo speaking at "Porta a Porta", who, speaking of the Christmas holidays, adds: "If the curve should go down in the next few weeks, we must forget a traditional Christmas. a more serene Christmas, more linked to exquisitely family traditions ". 

"The trend of the pandemic is still very heavy - he explained - the numbers are very strong even if apparently this curve seems to stabilize. The hundreds of victims we have every day remind us that we are still in the midst of the problem".


"The risk inside the school today is certainly lower than outside", adds Miozzo.

"The possibility is much higher for children spending the morning in a shopping center, outside a bar, in an uncontrolled aggregation - he added - or in a distance learning course where they meet in 4, 5 or 6 in the same house, without any control, without any mediation that the teacher requires of you. During school hours you must have a mask that is guaranteed for everyone. You are obliged to sanitize yourself and keep your distance ".