• Maneuver.

    Orlando: we will carefully evaluate Forza Italia's proposals

  • Covid.

    Berlusconi: "We welcome Mattarella's appeal for collaboration, but FI remains in the opposition"


November 18, 2020 The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte "has already publicly declared, in the official seat of the Parliament, to keep open a discussion table with the opposition" and "more specifically has given a mandate to the heads of delegation to involve the group leaders in order to check availability to establish a path of dialogue and collaboration with Forza Italia, due to the declared willingness of this political force, to open up to constructive dialogue. The mandate is not to explore an enlargement of the majority or to reach a political agreement that prefigures a mixture of roles ". 

This is what we learn from sources in Palazzo Chigi.

As announced by Forza Italia, the sources underline, "the possibility is being explored that we can discuss the contents of the economic maneuver and the gap that foreshadows new support measures, certainly not about a reorganization of the perimeter of the forces that support the Government . The majority is firm, but if an opposition force, in consideration of the difficulties the country is going through, wants to offer a constructive contribution for the good of the country, it would be unreasonable not to dialogue ".