As of November 24, public events with more than eight participants are prohibited.

Something that now also hits the Church of Sweden hard as funerals, baptisms, weddings and services are counted as public gatherings and thus become very limited.

- All this is affected by this ordinance of public gatherings, says Lisa-Gun Bernerstedt, deputy head of department at the Church of Sweden to SVT News.

"Is awkward"

When the news came in the spring that a maximum of 50 people were allowed to participate in public gatherings, the Church of Sweden also had to change.

Now you have to do it again.

- We have already had a lot of different solutions in place since then.

Many congregations have had a choir of four to five people instead of the whole choir to be able to have a small audience, which now will not go.

The Church of Sweden is therefore now working on alternative solutions.

- We continue to work to offer digital solutions and the church rooms will continue to be open.

We also look further at what we can offer in the church room.

But it is clear that just this time when we soon enter Advent and Christmas, it is difficult and difficult for many.

"Looking at digital solutions"

If you still want to get married in the church with the new restrictions, you can do so on a limited scale.

- You only need to be a priest, two witnesses and two more people so you can get married.

In the case of funerals, they must be carried out within one month of the death.

- The funeral can take place with the new restrictions.

But this is not easy, not all relatives will be able to participate no matter how much you want and it is terrible.

But we are looking at even more digital solutions but not everyone wants it.

But it can be an opportunity for some congregations to offer it, says Lisa-Gun Bernerstedt.