China News Service, November 16th. The mental health of children and adolescents has become a major public health problem facing the world.

On October 28th, the Guizhou Station Launching Ceremony was held at the Zunyi Culture Primary School for the children's health project established by the "Waiting for Me" column of Yuanmeng Fund.

In addition to the promotion of child safety courses for preventing kidnapping, sexual assault, and school bullying to primary and secondary schools in Zunyi City, a psychological counseling course for children and adolescents was added for the first time, and the first domestic "Youdao Happiness Course" for psychological quality education for children and adolescents was included. Come in and donate 100,000 copies of "Youdao Happiness Class" to the Zunyi Education Bureau.

  In September this year, NetEase Youdao Excellent Courses and Tsinghua Positive Psychology Professor Peng Kaiping team launched the "Youdao Happiness Course" specifically for the psychological education of Chinese children and adolescents.

Once released, the quality of the courses gained reputation.

The "China Education News" headed by the Ministry of Education published an editorial "Happiness is also the goal of educating people", affirming that the course "has a positive meaning in helping parents guide children to correctly understand and manage emotions."

  "Today, the mental health of children and adolescents has become an increasingly prominent social problem in our country. The Children's Health Project incorporates the "Youdao Happiness Class" in the hope to pay attention to and improve the mental health of children and adolescents and enhance the happiness of contemporary children. The person in charge of the sanitation project said.

Lack of psychological quality education for children and adolescents

  According to data jointly released by the United Nations Children’s Fund and the World Health Organization in November 2019, about one in five young people in the world is suffering from mental health problems.

"Although many countries are rich, their children do not score high in these areas," said the relevant person in charge of UNICEF. "Suicide, distress, bullying, obesity, and poor social and academic skills have become children in these countries. Common feature."

The second grade students of Zunyi Wenhua Primary School are performing their expressions when they are angry

  At the Zunyi Culture Primary School where the Child Health Project kick-off ceremony was held, the second grade teachers and students experienced a happiness lesson on site.

Teacher Huahua of "Youdao Happiness Lesson" stepped out of the online screen and stood among the students. Through the five animated characters representing emotions, Lele, Worry, Disgust, Anger, and Fear, guide students to understand emotions and share themselves Ways to express emotions in life, and teach students that emotions are not good or bad. Understanding emotions is to express emotions.

  "The school will arrange a psychological counseling class for students every week, but due to conditions, most of them are part-time teachers to teach. At present, they are using a subscription textbook. Teachers will also obtain some self-determination from the Internet to be useful for students. However, the overall teaching supplementary content is not yet systematic."

  "Now the living conditions are better. The problem of parental spoiling and inter-generational spoiling is actually very serious. Today's class allows students to recognize, express, control emotions, and give them the correct guidance. This class is very important to our current psychology class. It is helpful. I hope this curriculum system can be made into corresponding textbooks by grades to help our teaching goals become clearer." Teacher Wang, the head of the psychology class of Zunyi Culture Primary School, discussed with Teacher Huahua.

You don’t see a doctor when you are sick, but happiness education is basic education

  "My child has a very happy life, how can he be depressed?" This is the current mentality of many parents.

Relevant reports show that family reasons, peer relationships, and learning pressure are the major causes of psychological problems in children and adolescents.

  Investigating the root cause is largely because parents place too much emphasis on schoolwork and neglect to pay attention to their children's mental health.

In addition, in the quality education of primary and secondary schools, there is a lack of psychological literacy knowledge courses. Compared with the teachers of specific subjects, the psychological teachers are very lacking.

  Traditional psychological quality education is mainly based on the consultation and treatment of problem students and emergency intervention in crisis events, acting as a passive "firefighter" role.

However, the Economic Information Daily reported that there are about 30 million children and adolescents with mental health problems in my country, and there are few specialized child psychiatrists, perhaps less than 500.

  Today, colleges and universities have focused on building a teaching system for psychological quality education.

Psychological literacy courses based on "positive psychology" are not uncommon in the world's top universities such as Harvard University and Tsinghua University, but there are currently very few psychological literacy courses for children and adolescents.

  "Youdao Happiness Class" is a psychological quality class based on "positive psychology". Its educational philosophy is not to see a doctor only when you are sick, but to teach children to face themselves and the world positively from an early age.

  According to the survey, the teaching and research team of NetEase Youdao's excellent course started researching and developing with the team of Professor Kaiping Peng of Positive Psychology of Tsinghua University at the end of 2019.

According to students of different school ages, "Youdao Happiness Class" currently has two products: For children aged 3-9, it is an AI interactive course "Children's Happiness Class", which includes "recognize emotions" and "manage anger". , "Expressing emotions" and other 16 theme courses; for middle school students is an audio course "Youdao Happiness Class•Listen to Me", which is continuously updated every Saturday night at 21:00, and is currently online "Want to be self-discipline? 8 topics such as "Ask yourself" and "Subtle Relationships: Learning to Be Alone".

  "Thanks to the trust of Tongwei Project, I hope that "Youdao Happiness Class" can help cultivate the psychological literacy of contemporary children and adolescents, and contribute to alleviating this social problem." Senior Vice President of NetEase Youdao and Head of Youdao Boutique Course Luo Yuan said.