US President Donald Trump has repeatedly argued that the results of the presidential election can be reversed.

He added that it will be possible in the next two to three weeks.

On the 7th, when the presidential election victory returned to Joe Biden, he did not take any other steps except to declare dissatisfaction and tweet.

According to the US media Washington Igzaminer on the 13th local time, President Trump insisted in an interview with the media the day before that he could win through checks and checks in Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia.

The states of Michigan and Pennsylvania also argued that the results could be reversed.

"I didn't let the observers go, and this is a big deal," Trump stressed. "We filed a lawsuit and the judge ordered the visit, but it was two days later."

When asked how long it would take for the results to reverse, I wasn't sure, but I replied that it was probably two or three weeks.

Biden has already won in Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania among the states President Trump has mentioned.

In Georgia, it will be recounted. 

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)