A police car driving at night (illustration).


Clément Follain / 20 Minutes

A small party, without a mask and not very social distancing, which has a bad effect.

In particular when it comes to medical interns while confinement is in force because of the health crisis.

On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, the police of Tarbes stopped a clandestine party in a student accommodation in which about twenty doctors had taken part, reports

La Nouvelle République des Pyrénées


Evening for new interns

It was during a patrol around 4 a.m. that the police officers came across four drunk people on Boulevard Jean-Moulin.

Having no certificate to justify their presence outside, the four interns explain that they are coming out of a party, in front of the hospital.

Hearing music coming out of the apartment, the police check the participants in this forbidden party.

The latter then explain that they had the authorization of their hierarchy for this evening organized for the arrival of new interns.

An assertion disputed by the director of the Bigorre hospital center, who was informed of this holiday in the midst of an epidemic by the prefecture.

The interns involved were lectured by management on Thursday and received a warning.


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  • Coronavirus

  • Tarbes

  • epidemic

  • Police

  • Hospital

  • Confinement

  • Party

  • Miscellaneous