The corresponding conclusion is published on the website of the SAM.

“The Council of Ulema ... has decided: interfaith marriages, in particular, with representatives of the People of the Book, are unacceptable in Russia,” the document says.

At the same time, it notes that such marriages are possible only in "certain isolated cases" by the decision of the local mufti.

The document says that if "a girl recognizes the existence of One One God, accepts Jesus and Muhammad as God's messengers and expresses her willingness to follow the instructions of the Holy Quran," then she has the right to marry a Muslim.

“One of the undesirable consequences of mixed marriages is that the union of Muslim men with representatives of the People of Scripture to a certain extent reduces the chances of Muslim women to find a spouse of the same faith, forcing them to marry non-Muslims, which is canonically prohibited,” the conclusion says.

The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Moscow at the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia stated that fatwas on the prohibition of marriages between Muslims and representatives of other religions should not be accepted without taking into account the realities of modern society.

“We believe that it is impossible to issue such fatwas without taking into account modern realities and multinationality, multiconfessional society, where we live,” Interfax quotes the head of the DSMR, Mufti of Moscow, Albir Krganov.

In turn, Rustam Nurgaleev, secretary of the Council of Ulema of the SAM of Tatarstan, noted that the views of the SAM of Russia do not always reflect the interests of Muslims of Russia.

“Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan do not associate themselves with the muftiate of the SAM of Russia, and this decision certainly does not apply to those regions that have their own spiritual administrations and other muftis,” Nurgaleev said.

On November 4, Russian leader Vladimir said at a meeting with representatives of religious confessions.

that in all world religions all people are equal before the Almighty.