• Coronavirus, EU: green light to purchase Pfizer-Biontech vaccine tomorrow

  • Vaccino in Italy, the team will be coordinated by Rezza


November 10, 2020 Italy will have access to at least 13.5% of the 300 million doses of the vaccine against Covid produced by Pfizer-Biontec and reserved for the European Union.

"The distribution of doses - the European Commission explains - is based on the population of each Member State compared to the total population of the Union" and the data is obtained from Eurostat sources. 

But the percentage of doses for Italy could also be higher: with the procedure that will start tomorrow after the go-ahead from the college of EU commissioners, the capitals will have five days to present any abstentions.

These would increase the doses for other countries.

The Pfizer vaccine doses that should be assigned to Italy on the first purchase tranche that Europe will subscribe on Wednesday amount to 27.2 million.

For the Pfizer vaccine alone, the European Union has optioned 200 million doses plus any other 100 (in subsequent tranches) which for Italy will translate into an availability that would amount to 27.2 million doses (13.51% of total) plus any other 13.5 million.