It is reported that President Trump, 74, is on the verge of losing his wife after losing the presidential election.

According to the British Metro and Daily Mail on the 9th, Omaroja Manigort Newman, a former aide of President Trump's wife Melania, 50, said, "We are only counting the time for the first lady to leave the White House and divorce."

"If Ms. Melania humiliates her husband while serving as president, Trump will find a way to retaliate."

Another former aide, Stephanie Woolkov, says the first lady is negotiating to ensure that her son Baron gets an equal share of President Trump's property after the divorce.

Ulkov described their relationship as a "contract marriage" when President Trump and Mrs. Melania, who have been married for 15 years, use each room at the White House.

Along with this, the Trump family as a whole has been divided after the presidential election defeat.

Mrs. Melania and President Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner are encouraging no more controversy and advocating for the election results, but Trump's two sons, Eric and Don Jr., are aggressively confronting "the presidential election is a fraud."

Earlier, New York magazine reported that when President Trump won the presidential election in 2016, Mrs. Melania shed tears of'despair'.

Ms. Melania's friends claimed that the First Lady never expected her husband's victory in the presidential election and that she did not want all the hardships and hardships she would face at the White House.

Critics are also looking for why Melania entered the White House five months late after her husband's presidency.

However, Ms. Melania has always argued that her son's schoolwork was considered a top priority at the time because her admission to the White House was late.

The Trump couple's discord has been raised several times before, but each time they say they have a "very good relationship" and never quarrel.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)