About fifty high school students opposed the police on Monday morning in front of the Mireille-Grenet high school, on the outskirts of Compiègne.

Mortar fire broke out and a police car was ransacked, while four people were arrested.


Clashes took place Monday morning in front of a high school in Compiègne, in the Oise, including fires and mortar fire.

The police were taken to task and a firefighter slightly injured.

Calm returned at the end of the morning in front of this blocked establishment to protest against the health protocol in the face of Covid-19.

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There was first a dustbin fire around 7.15 a.m. Monday morning, in front of the Mireille-Grenet high school, on the outskirts of Compiègne, in a district known to be sensitive.

The police were then called.

“I walked in and started to see the fumes and the fire,” said high school student Chirstopher as he stepped off his bus.

"I saw people who threw projectiles at the police. On one side, there were all the students getting out of the buses and on the other side, there were the firefighters and the forces. order. It was tense. "

Gate set on fire, tear gas used

In total, about fifty young people faced the police.

The school gate was also set on fire despite the use of tear gas to disperse the crowd.

Young people who also ransacked a police car, where a bulletproof vest and two helmets were stolen.

Four suspects have already been arrested.


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The high school students still present in front of the establishment at noon were talking about a rally to protest against the health protocol, very little respected in the establishment according to them.

These students who themselves recognize a form of contradiction: during the clashes, the high school breakers were crowded together without any respect for barrier gestures.