The incident of what was known as the "son of the advisor" or the "child of traffic", who had repeatedly transgressed Egyptian policemen, revealed the duplicity of the Sisi regime in dealing with children, between indulging the elite and persecuting the children of opponents, as there are tens of minors imprisoned for political reasons.

Despite the passage of days, the episodes of this case still cause widespread anger after the child appeared in video clips that included insulting members of the police and citizens, between renewed interaction on social media sites, and statements issued by various parties.

The story of "Hamada", the son of the counselor, has raised the issue of the "duplication" of the Egyptian authorities ’treatment of minors, especially with minors. At a time when it was clearly lenient towards the son of a judge, human rights activists documented many cases that witnessed clear and illegal violations against minors affiliated with the opposition.

The story of the son of the counselor began with the spread of a video clip of a child who later became known as Ahmed, the son of Abu al-Majd Abd al-Rahman, vice president of the Ismailia Court of Appeal, driving a car with a number of his minor friends in one of the Cairo neighborhoods, where he verbally attacked a traffic policeman who asked him for his driver's license. Before he passed him in a humiliating manner that almost hit him.

As a result, multiple hashtags spread on Twitter in Egypt, the most prominent of which are (# Hamada_Nannous_The Adviser) and (#Ben_Consult), which were issued for hours, and the participants demanded the arrest of the child and his father, while a number of them ruled out holding him accountable for his father's influence, and some of them mocked the expectation of a new revolution for victory To the police in front of the transgressions of the children of the judiciary!

The state of widespread condemnation prompted the Public Prosecution to issue a statement revealing that she had summoned the child and his father for investigation, then released him and imposed a fine on his father of 10 thousand (630 dollars), so that the child reappeared in two other videos, in one of which he attacked another policeman. The second throws eggs at a passerby.

The child's reaction, was enough to ignite anger more widely and was attended by celebrities, prompting the prosecution to arrest the child and 4 of his friends, and to announce that he has been placed in a social welfare home, and his friends are imprisoned pending investigations, as well as subjecting them to drug testing.

Apology and condemnation

As a result, the child's father issued a statement of apology, confirming his complete rejection of his son's transgressions, confirming that he and his son are not above the law.

The last episode of the series, the statement of the Egyptian Judges Club, denounced the incident, stressing that this behavior is "an individual that should not be generalized to the children of judges as a category of society," and condemning what it considered "a campaign against the judiciary and some taking the incident as an excuse to undermine the judiciary," as he demanded Egyptians to "preserve the maintenance of the judiciary."

Commenting on this, the director of Human Rights Monitor, Salma Ashraf, points out that the duplication of the Egyptian authorities' treatment is clearly revealed by the measures that have been taken on the son of the advisor and his friends. While the child was only placed in a monitoring center, his companions were arrested and renewed pending investigations. .

In her interview with Al-Jazeera Net, she pointed out that human rights organizations have monitored many cases that reflect the authorities' corruption in dealing with minors and their duplication in this, so the son of an influential person will not be exposed in any way to what other minors are exposed to, and at the forefront of whom are those who are arrested on political charges, as well as street children.

A worn out spend

Salma attributed this to the fact that the Egyptian judiciary is "worn out," and there is no real law or control present in the Egyptian arena, which helps prevent this discrimination and duplication of treatment, which is clearly visible.

The Egyptian human rights defender added that one of the most crude examples that reveal the duplication of the Egyptian authorities is the arrest of the "T-shirt" Mahmoud Mohamed, for a period of more than two years, who was only 17 years old at the time of his arrest, for wearing a jacket that read "A nation without torture" during his commemoration. January revolution.

The statement of the Attorney General in Egypt on the incident of Ibn Al-Qadhi, in which he claimed that the law “arranges for the offense of the son of the counselor a fine not exceeding 100 pounds.” Crude manipulation of the law clearly shows that the regime around # Egypt is a forest to rule it with barbarism. There is a child who stayed 447 days in prison just for wearing a written T-shirt There is a nation without torture, gentlemen

- Mahmoud Refaat (@DrMahmoudRefaat) November 2, 2020

And Salma Ashraf considered the statement of apology published by the child's father, and after it the statement of the Judges Club, which came as a result of the extent of the anger and resentment that swept the Egyptian street, and their goal was to absorb anger, ruling out that this would ultimately lead to a real account of the mistake or a treatment of the causes of this phenomenon.

According to human rights activists, the facts of the arrest and trial of children began since the military coup led by the current President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in the summer of 2013 when he was Minister of Defense, and are still continuing, the most recent of which was the arrest of two children from Nubia in southern Egypt, Moataz Ahmed Abdel Harith and Yahya Khaled Abdel Razek The two, aged 12 and 11, against the background of the September 2020 protests, before their subsequent release.

Supremacy culture

Nevin Malak, the human rights defender, said that the problem is not that the child who appeared in these videos is the son of an advisor who belongs to the judiciary, but rather the culture of superiority that appeared clearly in the child and his companions, and it is related to those who see that he or those who follow him have power to avoid accountability.

In her interview with Al-Jazeera Net, she pointed out that the matter is not limited to a specific category, as such a culture may have formed among groups other than judges, such as businessmen or those in the police and military sectors.

She explained that the matter has transformed into that everyone who has influence overtakes those who see him below him, even between the groups and classes that each sees in himself as having greater influence than others, and in the end the matter is the most powerful according to each event.

In her speech, she stressed that laws and constitutions were not legislated to be mere ink on paper, but rather to be effective and a window to everyone, on top of which is the authority itself, without favoritism and courtesy, to protect all rights and freedoms, and to guarantee every individual in society equal rights protected from the oppression of power and the intrusion of the people themselves. Some on each other.

According to the latest figure issued by the Baladi Center for Rights and Freedoms, the Egyptian authorities are holding 60 children and 75 minors in their prisons on the background of political accusations, and they are distributed in prisons and some police stations, while the authorities are detaining a large number of minors in shared cells with adults on "criminal and terrorist" backgrounds. .

Human rights sources talk about the arrest of dozens of children in Egypt for political reasons (Al-Jazeera)

Above the law

In turn, the former representative of the Human Rights Committee at the Shura Council, Izz al-Din al-Kumi, believes that the case of the "spoiled" son of the advisor, which came days after the leak of the journalist Abdul Rahim Ali, confirms the existence of a "hateful class" living above the law, and Sisi himself cannot hold it accountable.

He continued in his interview with Al-Jazeera Net, "If this boy was the son of a commoner, the police chief would have dragged him." Fourth sign.

Al-Kumi revealed that there are more than 200 children arrested by the regime, and the regime denies their arrest, pointing to cases of enforced disappearance of infants with their families.

The deputy of the Human Rights Committee at the former Shura Council believes that this duplication, the natural result of which is "the loss of justice and the loss of confidence in the judiciary, which has entrenched in international human rights organizations its incompetence and lack of any human rights credibility."

In turn, social researcher Safaa Muhammad believes that this incident reflects an educational model pervasive in the upper classes in Egypt, whereby children are raised as above the law and the rest of society, and that the influence of their parents protects them from any accountability, which is reflected in their dealings in all the circles they deal with.

In her interview with Al-Jazeera Net, she considered that the greatest responsibility rests with the parents or whoever undertakes the education, refusing to hold the environment and reality responsible, noting in this context that more corrupt environments exist, but the upper classes maintain a level of education that takes into account religion and common sense.