
Unlike President Trump, who is impatient, Democratic candidate Biden is relaxed.

He encouraged supporters to wait patiently, saying they were sure of victory.

This is Kim Young-ah.


Joe Biden, the Democratic Party presidential candidate, once again revealed his strong confidence in victory through a brief press conference at the dawn of our time today (6th).

Candidate Biden said he has no doubts that he will be declared a winner when the count is over.

He told me to wait patiently and calmly, saying that you will know the results soon.

[Biden/Democratic Presidential Candidate: I have no doubts that I will declare victory with Vice President Harris once all the counts are finished.]

Reassures supporters amid confusion, while confronting President Trump calling for a cessation of the ballot counting,

there is no doubt

that the count should continue. I made it clear once again.

Candidate Biden stressed that voting is sacred and that it is the voters' will to choose a president, and that all votes must be counted.

[Biden/Democratic Party presidential candidate: I ask everyone to wait patiently.

The ballot counting process is working and the counting will be finalized.]

Following the announcement of plans to return to the first day of inauguration to the Paris Climate Agreement by opening the home page of the Transition Committee yesterday, today, Corona and economic experts were invited to Delaware to receive a closed briefing.

In fact, as an elected president, we are directly taking care of the biggest issues and accelerating the preparation for the takeover of the presidency.