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05 November 2020The rise of Sars-Cov-2 infections in Italy continues and "hospitals are close to saturation": the warning comes from the Gimbe Foundation, on the basis of its usual weekly monitoring of data.

In fact, the independent monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation confirms, in the week 28 October-3 November, compared to the previous one, the exponential increase in the trend of new cases (195,051 against 130,329), partly due to the increase in the cases tested (817,717 against 722,570 ), but above all due to the further increase in the positive / cases tested ratio (23.9% against 18%).

Currently positive cases grow by 63.9% (418.142 vs 255.090) and, on the hospital front, there is a further increase in patients hospitalized with symptoms (21.114 vs 13.955) and in intensive care (2.225 vs 1.411).

Deaths increased by 72% (1,712 vs 995). In detail, compared to the previous week, the following changes were recorded: - Deaths: 1,712 (+ 72.1%) - Intensive care: +814 (+ 57.7%) - Hospitalized with symptoms: +7.159 (+ 51.3%) - New cases: 195.051 (+ 49.7%) - Currently positive cases: +163.052 (+ 63.9%) - Cases tested +95.147 (+13.2 %) - Total swabs: +163.945 (+ 14%) "In the last week - underlines Nino Cartabellotta, President of the Gimbe Foundation - the increase of over 60% of currently positive cases is confirmed, which is reflected in the number of hospitalized patients with symptoms and in intensive care, bringing hospitals towards saturation. This also impacts on the number of deaths, which in the last week exceeded 1,700 with a trend that, with a week delay, actually follows the other curves. '' further increase in the positive / tested cases ratio, close to 24%, definitively certifies the collapse of the territorial embankment of testing &

tracing ".


 The national situation - underlines the report of the Gimbe Foundation - remains very heterogeneous with considerable regional variability.

In general, compared to the previous week, the indicators worsened in all regions, with the exception of the percentage increase in cases which in some regions recorded very slight slowdowns.

The Gimbe monitoring data was yesterday the subject of a hearing before the 12th Senate Hygiene and Health Commission, where President Cartabellotta stressed the lack of accessibility to raw official data.

"Only for the daily report of Covid-19 cases - said Cartabellotta - the data are available in open format. On the contrary, for the integrated national surveillance system we only have the weekly reports of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità with data in the form The reports on the monitoring indicators of phase 2 of the Control Room, used to guide the restrictive measures, have never been made public either ".

For these reasons, the Gimbe Foundation has publicly requested to "include in the daily report of Covid-19 cases of the Ministry of Health the number of infections per municipality, as well as the details for provinces and municipalities of the numbers relating to home isolation, hospitalized with symptoms, intensive care, recovered, deceased, swabs, cases tested ";

to "make the national integrated surveillance database of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità accessible in open data format" and "make public all the reports of the 21 indicators established by the ministerial decree of 30 April 2020 used for the monitoring of phase 2, also making accessible the database in open data format ".

Finally, "to make explicit and reproducible the criteria for the attribution of the risk level established by articles 2 and 3 of the Dpcm November 3, 2020".

The Gimbe Foundation considers "this last point particularly relevant, which determines the assignment of the three colors for the Regions, corresponding to different levels of restrictive measures".

The Dpcm, in fact, entrusts the decision to the Minister of Health on the basis of the document "Prevention and response to Covid-19", of the data processed by the Control Room referred to in the decree of 30 April 2020 and having heard the Technical Scientific Committee.

However, at the moment, Cartabellotta specifies "the parameters and indicators on which the assignment of 'colors' is based are not sufficiently clear and objective to exclude discretionary assessments, risking that the mechanism of closures and reopening, far from being automated, always requires and however a political transition with the Regions, as foreseen by the same Dpcm which establishes that the orders of the Minister of Health are issued in agreement with the president of the Region concerned ".

"The introduction of proportional measures at different levels of regional risk - concludes Cartabellotta - is totally acceptable, indeed, where necessary, we should act with more restrictive measures at the level of the Province or Municipality. But it is essential to make public the criteria for classifying the level. risk, also to avoid continuous negotiations between the Government and the Regions that add further delays to the 'non-strategy' of the weekly Dpcm, granting an ever greater advantage to the virus "." In any case - concludes Cartabellotta - there is a lack of a medium-long term strategy shared between the Government and the Regions, capable of adequately strengthening health services and informing the population, currently called to passively submit to new weekly restrictions that make everyday life uncertain and feed concerns about the future "Gimbe monitoring of the Covid-19 epidemic it is available on the Foundation's website at the page dedicated to the coronaviru epidemic

s (coronavirus.gimbe.org)