UK to start strict measures such as going out restrictions Many people go shopping November 5th 5:49


In the United Kingdom, where the infection with the new coronavirus is spreading rapidly, strict measures will begin on the 5th, such as restricting citizens from going out and banning retail and restaurant operations in principle.

Before this, many people were seen trying to finish shopping in London.

In the United Kingdom, the number of people who have been infected and died on the 4th of this month was 492, which is the highest level since May, and the spread of the infection is in a serious situation.

For this reason, the UK has taken the strictest measures since spring, and it was officially decided on the 4th with the approval of the parliament that it will be implemented for about one month from the 5th to the 2nd of next month. I did.

Specifically, citizens are restricted from going out except for shopping for daily necessities, retail stores other than supermarkets and pharmacies are prohibited, and restaurants are closed except for take-out and home delivery.

Even though it was a weekday, we saw people shopping and dining with friends in central London before the harsh measures began.

A woman who bought a coat for the winter said, "I think it's okay for a month, but it's difficult to put up with it if it lasts longer."

Prime Minister Johnson has repeatedly emphasized that he wants to end it on the 2nd of next month because these severe measures will be a further blow to the economy, but it is uncertain whether the spread of the infection can be suppressed and it will be a difficult response I'm under pressure.