Following the region's and the public health authority's announcement on Tuesday about new, stricter councils in Jönköping County, the municipality of Jönköping has decided on a number of measures to reduce the spread of infection.

Watch the cultural director Mazar Alievski talk about the municipality's measures in the clip above.

All municipal swimming pools will be closed for the next three weeks, several smaller libraries will be closed and there will be no public riding on Råslätt or Vapenvallen.

All leisure center activities are closed down and when it gets late for Christmas in the schools, relatives are not allowed to attend Lucia celebrations or Christmas parties.

Schools and nursing homes open

On the other hand, there is no change in the school, because there is currently no major spread of infection in the schools in the municipality.

However, Director of Education Göran Isberg says that if it is necessary, distance learning may be relevant.

Since after the removal of the restraining order on nursing homes, no major spread of infection is seen, they will continue to allow visits to the elderly as long as the visitors adhere to the strict rules that exist.