
Following President Trump's residence in Washington, we will go to Delaware, USA, where Biden's home is located.

In the event of Candidate Biden's victory, our correspondent Jong-won Kim is present at the venue where we decided to give a speech to the public today (4th).

Correspondent Kim, the presidential election fever is very hot right now. What is the atmosphere on Biden's side? 

<Reporter> The

place where I am now is the Biden candidate's event venue in Delaware, USA.

I don't know if you can see far behind it now, but the stage for Candidate Biden has been set up.

Candidate Biden is scheduled to come here to give a public speech tonight, as the outline of the election results appears.

Biden continued his campaign in the morning to find his hometown, Pennsylvania, the most fierce contestant, and as you heard earlier, the presidential election is hot and overheated, so Biden hasn't come here yet. The security is very strict.

Iron barricades were wrapped around the venue for several kilometers to completely blockade almost one neighborhood, but the detective dogs and armed police continue to patrol around the area so that the reporters have to shoot from such a distance, continuing the strict guard posture.

Behind this, the stage is placed in a very large parking lot, but Biden Camp plans to allow only a few invited supporters to enter the event to keep social distancing even if the event starts at night.

As Candidate Biden did throughout his campaign, only non-voted supporters will drive into the venue and attend from a distance. 


There are many analyzes that a high pre-voting rate is advantageous for Biden candidates. Is it still difficult to predict the outcome? 


Yes, it is.

Before the presidential election, it was found that the number of pre-voted voters surpassed 130 million.

Since the total population of the United States is 330 million people, regardless of whether or not they have the right to vote, one-third of all Americans have voted in advance.

During the 2016 presidential election, 73% of the total voters voted in advance even before the presidential election began, which seems to be advantageous for Biden.

There are two methods of pre-voting in the United States: on-site voting in person and by mailing the ballot. Currently, among those who voted in advance, the voter who voted by mail is twice as much as those who voted on-site. Turns out a lot.

However, since this vote-by-mail voter has an overwhelming majority of Democratic supporters, the pre-voting results will be quite favorable for Biden, this analysis is emerging.

However, on the day of the presidential election, it seems that there will be a large number of Trump supporters who are directly voting on the scene today, so it is not possible to say this.