Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz denounced Monday evening a "disgusting terrorist attack" by speaking of the multiple shootings which broke out in the streets of Vienna a few hours earlier.

The death toll is at least two dead, including an assailant, and several injured.

Two dead, including an assailant shot dead by the police, and several wounded.

This is the still provisional toll of several shootings that broke out Monday evening in six different locations in Vienna, Austria, according to local police.

On Twitter, Sebastian Kurz, the country's chancellor, denounced a "disgusting terrorist attack".

Wir erleben gerade schwere Stunden in unserer Republik.

Ich möchte allen Einsatzkräften danken, die insbesondere heute für unsere Sicherheit ihr Leben riskieren.

Unsere Polizei wird entschlossen gegen die Täter dieses widerwärtigen Terroranschlags vorgehen.

- Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz) November 2, 2020

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