Preparatory work for voting before the US presidential election begins at 4:43 on November 3

Ahead of the election day for the U.S. presidential election, in one of the fierce battle states, Midwestern Michigan, preparatory work has begun to compile ballots for early voting, and officials have been working carefully. ..

In this presidential election, due to the spread of the new corona virus, the number of early votes including postal voting exceeded 96 million in various surveys, and President Trump claimed that there was fraud over postal voting. The focus is on the smoothness of ballot counting in various parts of the United States, as it shows that it is ready to sue.

On the 2nd, the day before the election day for the presidential election, the ballot-counting office in Detroit, Michigan, Midwest, began preparatory work to count early votes.

Hundreds of people in charge gather at the ballot counting office in the central conference hall, divide into groups of several people for each table, open the envelope containing the ballot, and then divide it into ballots and envelopes. We worked carefully, such as carefully comparing the numbers given.

At the entrance of the ballot-counting office, there was a sticker prohibiting the bringing of guns, and several police officers were also stationed inside the ballot-counting office to guard against anyone other than those involved.

In addition, American media outlets gathered to report on the work and showed the high level of interest in early voting.