• Usa 2020. Trump 7 points ahead of Biden in Iowa.

    Obama: "Vote Joe for a Better America"


November 01, 2020 - Donald Trump plans to prematurely declare victory on election night if he turns out to be in the lead in some key states, even in the absence of definitive data. 

The American president himself would have confided this, speaking with his closest collaborators, according to reports from the Axios site quoted by Ansa.

Trump would discuss his intentions with his entourage. 

If on election night the first votes go ahead in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, Iowa, Arizona and Georgia, the president is ready to declare himself the winner. 

Trump, moreover, at the beginning of the counting of the ballots could also have an advantage in Pennsylvania, where the law does not allow to start counting votes by mail before November 3.

Polls: Biden Leads in Pennsylvania

All roads (of the US election) lead to Florida and Pennsylvania.

In the State of the Rust Belt, Democratic challenger Joe Biden is given the lead by 7 points in the latest ABC-Washington Post poll while in the State of the Sun he is heads up.

Donald Trump will return to campaign in Florida tonight after yesterday holding 4 rallies in Pennsylvania while Biden organized two same-day events in Philadelphia. 

In Pennsylvania, Biden is favored 51 to 44 among the possible voters, with a 3-point lead down from a month ago.

Among the registered voters, Biden leads with a 4-point margin, 49 to 44. In Florida he is first Trump with 50% against 49% of the dem.

A month ago, the former vice president was 4 points ahead in the sunny state among the likely voters.

Among the registered voters, Trump is at 49% and Biden at 47%, compared to a 1% advantage for the Democratic challenger.

The new poll, conducted between 24 and 29 October, highlights an increase in consensus for the incumbent president in the two crucial states in the race for the White House.

Tycoon advisor Jason Miller said it would be enough for the president to win Pennsylvania, holding in the Sun Belt states he conquered in 2016, to secure a second term.