If you want to cut your expenses, there are a bunch of tricks and recommendations that you must adhere to in order to modify your consumption behavior, and learn how to stick to the set budget.

In an article published in Readers Digest in its Canadian version, the Director of the Community Outreach and Education Program at the Credit Consulting Association - Stacey Janchuk Bolsky - says that there are many financial mistakes that many people make, which lead them to increase expenses in an unimaginable way. Expected, and running into financial problems.

Using a credit card

Research has shown that people spend 18% more of the money when they use the bank card instead of cash, as the human nature becomes more daring, and accepts to buy luxuries and things that were not planned, when he has a balance of points or a bank card.

Buying a new car

New cars are always attractive and catches the eye, but the expenses associated with them can strain your budget, and statistics in this area confirm that the financial value of the car decreases as soon as you start driving it, and the financial value of the car drops between 10 to 20% since the first year, and therefore it is advised. Experts buy a used car, as long as it is properly inspected and from a reliable seller.

Pursuing expensive hobbies

There is no shame in practicing golf or attending some dance lessons, but you should think carefully about the entire cost that accompanies some recreational activities, as registration fees, purchase of equipment and transportation can all combine to form a huge financial burden, so it is advised to go towards other activities that suit your budget. Or, buy used sports equipment.

When practicing your hobbies, go for activities that fit your budget (Shutterstock)

Buy a cup of coffee every day

If you buy a cup of coffee every day on the way to work, then this will cost you between 10 and 50 dollars every week, and if you multiply that amount in 52 weeks, the cost may be between 520 and 2,600 dollars annually.

This calculation does not include other drinks that you drink in the afternoon or evening, and therefore it is recommended to buy a cup with a cover and a thermostat, so that you can prepare your coffee at home with the flavor you want, and take it with you to work.

Get out of work to have lunch

If you go to restaurants to eat lunch twice a week, this will cost you between 30 and 50 dollars per week, and this means annual expenses ranging between 1500 and 2600 dollars, and therefore it is better for your budget to prepare your meal at home and bring it with you, and you suffice to reward yourself once a month by eating Lunch at a nice restaurant with your colleagues.

Shopping without a second thought

The rush to spend is a problem that has devastating effects, not only on the budget, but also on the psychological state of the person, given that the feeling of satisfaction that accompanies shopping can quickly turn into a feeling of shame and remorse.

The appropriate solution to this problem is for a person to think carefully about the factors that drive him to buy irrationally, such as places, times, smells and moods, in order to avoid shopping in those circumstances again, and there is another idea that is to leave the credit card at home when going shopping.

Ignore the weekly regulation of your supplies

Everyone goes through this experience, where you are going to shop at the grocery store and ask yourself: Do I have that product at home or do I need to buy some of it?

You buy anyway, but when you return you discover that it has been in your refrigerator for days.

The solution to this problem is to take some time to develop a weekly planner for food supplies, after checking the materials that are still available in the refrigerator or cupboard, and there are some smartphone applications that help you organize your purchases and compare prices.

Take some time to plan your weekly food supplies so you don't buy more (Getty Images)

Buy gifts for every occasion

Some people buy gifts on all occasions, even on holidays, during the holiday period, and on Valentine's Day, but it is better for everyone to arrange these occasions and choose the most important for him and his family, and avoid spending on the rest of the days.

Not leaving a reserve amount for sudden expenses

Repairing car malfunctions, going to the dentist, hairdressing, and buying clothes are expenses that can be easily forgotten and not being prepared for, and the solution is to calculate all these circumstantial and unforeseen expenses throughout the year, and set a special budget for them.

Owning a home

Everyone dreams of owning their own home, but the cost of its furnishings, maintenance and bills may not match your financial reality, so if your house is large and requires many expenses, you can solve this problem by organizing your budget, finding new sources of income, or using only part of the house.