The first steps in getting your wife back after a breakup start with your understanding of why you broke up in the first place, and whether or not you really want to give your relationship another real chance.

The first days of separation may be difficult, and you feel a lack and desire to fix things, but before that there are many steps that must be taken to ensure the success of marital reconciliation.

Social writer Rachel Pace, in an article on the Marriage website, provides some things to consider for a successful marital reconciliation after a breakup.

1- Don't let anyone push you to reconciliation

If you want marital reconciliation, make sure that it is your idea and not anyone else's idea, and you should take the appropriate amount of time to think, and make sure that no one is pressuring you;

The only two people who should be involved in marital reconciliation are you and your wife, not friends or family.

2- Do not rush

Just because you both decided to return, this does not mean that you should return immediately to your previous married life, after the experience of separation everyone suffers and changes, and in this case you must approach your wife again, and give yourself the opportunity to learn about the elements of the success of the new relationship, with the need to take lessons from your experience Previous.

3- Do not tell anyone

Jumping into reconciliation and telling everyone about it may confuse your children and family;

So if you are not sure you will stay together, there is no need to put your family in this situation again.

4- What do you both need to be happy?

The decision to return is heavy, and it is important that both of you take time in a lengthy discussion about what he needs and ask the other to successfully continue the marital relationship this time.

For example, you may need more emotional support, and you need your partner to be more present in your family life.

Or you need to change careers, or maybe you need to move.

Whatever you need, express it without hesitation.

You will also need to compromise and change in order to put the needs and desires of the other party before yours and desires sometimes.

This time the relationship should be a give-and-take relationship, with no room for selfishness.

5-Can you forgive?

Tolerance is a big part of marital reconciliation, and by agreeing to return you agree to forgive.

This means not throwing past mistakes in your partner's face every time you feel upset or angry.

It also means that you are creating a new beginning together so that you can move forward without the weight of the past.

If you cannot forgive, you need to give yourself more time before returning to your wife again.

Spouses must practice tolerance and love in order to overcome past mistakes (Agencies)

6- Talk to your children

If you are going to return to your wife and live together in the same house, then you need to tell your children about the reconciliation, and make sure that you are 100% committed to your return and the return of the marital relationship again before you broach the subject with your children.

Use age-appropriate terms for your children to discuss how the return process works together, and be sure to highlight why this is positive and beneficial to all family members.

7- Be open and honest

Honesty is the best policy when it comes to dating after a breakup;

Be upfront about what needs to change and what led to the breakdown of your relationship, and take proactive steps to avoid this behavior in the future.

8- Love and patience

Surely you hurt your wife's feelings before, otherwise how did the separation happen;

So patience and love are two qualities that you will desperately need, because it can be difficult to overcome feelings of hurt even if you feel happy back in them.

Both of you must practice forgiveness and love in order to overcome mistakes that have occurred in the past.

It is true that these difficulties are liable to recur, but the way you respond to the situation must be adjusted the next time.

Be upfront about what needs to change, and what led to the breakdown of your relationship (Pixabay).

How to convince your wife to return to you?

According to another article by the author that deals with how to convince the wife to return again after separation, she stresses the importance of resisting the desire to fight, which may be sadness or fear is the reason, and that you must listen carefully to your wife, and discover and understand the feelings behind what is being said.

Another advice the writer gives to husbands is that when your wife talks to you, don't try to fix the problems, just listen.

She is smart enough and what she needs from you is an ear to listen and encourage.

The phrases "I'm so sorry," "sweetheart," "I understand," and "we can make it work" should be what you use regularly.

Apologize even if you have done this before, say you are sorry that you did not want to harm her, that you miss her, and you cannot imagine your life without her.

The idea is not only to find out how to get your wife back after a breakup, but also to find a way to make sure you stay together.

Finally, do not give up and do not give up hope that you will be able to return to each other and live a happy life.