Despite the fact that LO has said no to the agreement, the parties choose to proceed with it.

Tonight, Susanna Gideonsson, chair of LO, and Eva Nordmark (S), Minister of Labor, met in a current debate.

Eva Nordmark says that they had hoped for an even broader agreement.

- The party agreement is so much better than the so-called "Toijer inquiry" (known as the las inquiry, editor's note) which came this spring.

It contains, among other things, things that will push back SMS employment and it is about a complete protection, says Minister of Labor Eva Nordmark.

From LO's side, there was a unanimous no to the agreement, which the parties are now moving forward with.

- It was far too bad when it comes to job security.

In the case of forms of employment, in the case of temporary employment agencies and fixed-term employment.

Based on that, we said no and could not agree to that agreement, says Susanna Gideonsson, chairman of LO.

Watch the debate between Eva Nordmark and Susanna Gideonsson in the video.