
October 29, 2020 `` I have read everything, especially totally erroneous and disorienting analyzes of pseudo experts who evidently have the crystal ball and the wand of the wizard Merlin proposing magical solutions to extremely complex problems. It seems to me almost legitimate that politicians criticize the CTS indications, it is in full law. It is much less legitimate for technicians to say inaccurate and misleading things. '' Agostino Miozzo, head of the Scientific Technical Committee, says this to Corriere della Sera, adding: `` In two weeks we will know if we have reached the incompatible limit and we must move to a more radical intervention like the one we painfully experienced in March and April. Only with strict compliance with the rules, the lockdown can be remembered as a bad experience of the past ''. '' To blame the CTS for a situation resulting from the suffering imposed on the Italian health system in past decades is not only incorrect, but I would say dishonest - continues Miozzo -. Where were these last-minute emergency management experts when public hospitals and critical care beds were being cut, when politics penalized the public health system? I don't remember the voices of these new professional screamers getting up loud to denounce the cuts ''. '' The Dpcm - he explains - responds to the current situation of the country which is rapidly deteriorating. The same measures were adopted today by Germany. We must direct the behavior of our fellow citizens to strictly respect the distancing, to reduce all contacts at risk, to limit all possible contagion opportunities. It is the gradualness of behavior to be implemented as a last attempt to avoid the much more painful decision of the general lockdown ''.

 On the request for a lockdown, at least partial, by the consultant to the Minister of Health Walter Ricciardi, Miozzo says he `` greatly esteems Walter Ricciardi, of whom I am a friend, but he is an expert in public health, this emergency has taught me that decisions to arrive at the lockdown also include assessments relating to security, the provision of essential services, the economy. I don't have all these assessment tools and I envy colleagues capable of making such complex assessments from the close of the ward where they should assist their patients ''. "Hospitals suffer from a pressure that is difficult to sustain in the long term - says Miozzo -, especially in the territories that are lagging behind in the organization of paths dedicated to Covid patients. The only way to relieve is to involve family doctors and pediatricians of free choice by providing them all the means to operate, protective materials, diagnostic tools. With the agreement just signed, all citizens will be able to swab swabs with their doctor. Doctors must be involved in this, even by hosting them in dedicated spaces if their office that's not good. Of course, they must be enabled to work safely, without excluding sanctions for those who refuse. '' "We must promote, insist, do everything necessary - he remarks - to have the Immuni application on their mobile phones. If you want to enter the University you must have the application. I know that I go against the freedom of individuals and constitutional rights, but we must be convinced that the good of the whole community also passes through the reduction, all in all marginal, of some aspects of our freedoms. With a notification from Immuni, isolation is triggered and the chain of contagion is interrupted. Regarding the school, the real courage is to keep them open and adapt the system to this need. Miracles have been done to turn the chronic disaster of the school system into something that is capable of addressing the crisis we are going through. We must defend it if we do not want to find hundreds of thousands of terrified children suffering from the hut syndrome ”.