“We strongly condemn the terrorist attack that took place near the Basilica of Notre Dame in Nice,” CFNM said on Twitter.

Je condamne avec force l'attentat terroriste qui s'est produit près de la basilique Notre-Dame de Nice.

En signe de Deuil et de solidarité avec les victimes et leurs proches, j'appelle les musulmans de France à annuler toutes les festivités de la fête du Mawlid.

- CFCM (@CfcmOfficiel) October 29, 2020

As a sign of sorrow and solidarity with the victims of the tragedy, the council called on Muslims to cancel the Mawlid festivities.

Earlier in French Nice, a man stabbed people with a knife.

According to the latest reports, at least three people were killed in the attack.

The Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, said at the same time that all the circumstances of the incident indicate that the attack was a terrorist act.