This was reported by CNN Turk TV channel and Hurriyet newspaper.

As noted, the Turkish Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the publication in the magazine.

#Sondakika Fransa'nın Ankara Büyükelçiliği Maslahatgüzarı, Charlie Hebdo dergisindeki karikatürle ilgili Dışişleri Bakanlığı'na çağrılarak şiddetle kınandıhttp: //

- CNN TÜRK #MaskeniTak 😷 (@cnnturk) October 28, 2020

Earlier, the prosecutor's office in Turkey opened a case against Charlie Hebdo, who published a cartoon of Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 

Earlier, Erdogan filed a complaint with the Turkish Prosecutor General's Office against the leader of the Netherlands Freedom Party, Gert Wilders, who also published a cartoon of him.